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The Intuitive Goddess

Fully Embody Your Inner Goddess In This 13 Day Online Immersion.

A powerful, 13 day online immersion where Regan guides you in a series of transformational videos and audios that teach you every single step you need to embody your most powerful, aligned, inner goddess.

This product/service is NON-REFUNDABLE
When you join The Intuitive Goddess course, Regan will give you access to receive 13 days worth of divinely recorded videos and an audio to guide you in the steps to awakening your inner goddess, as well as access to her private VIP Facebook Community. Your journey will contain 13 unique codes that will help you to activate your inner Goddess.
  • Spirituality

14 reviews for Intuitive Goddess

  1. Peggy

    I began apologizing for being born a female since the day I was born. This has continued throughout my life. Feeling like a burden. Denying my feminine and embracing my masculine. Giving my power away to EVERYONE in the hopes they would approve of me. Behaving myself. Being a good girl, a good wife. Now I am alone and free to become something bigger and better. Free to shine for the first time without fear of standing out or over-powering someone else. I find myself holding back as these old patterns keep emerging. Thank you for this opportunity, Regan, to identify that this has happened to so many of us as women and for assisting us in reprogramming these patterns so we may create something more for ourselves. You are truly a shining example of the Goddess

  2. AVF

    Hello Goddesses! I finished the codes and I’m so grateful for this journey it was a gift! Actually i just finished my second time doing the codes and I have to say that every time that I do the 10 code, Divine Mother Embrace, I cant stop crying, definitely I have some issue there. I wonder how many times I have to do the activation so I can feel some relief, i just feel grateful for the oportunity to release and heal!!

  3. Yoditt

    How blessed I am to be here, and how lucky I am to find Regan Hillyer! Much love and appreciation to you!

  4. Laurice

    I just have to post this here quickly!
    I feel like a kid that’s just realised her magic wand works!!!
    So excited!!!!
    Again… Regan Hillyer I am eternally grateful!!!
    Firstly – that you’ve “agreed and allowed” this for me!! (I know you’ll understand me here).
    Secondly – that I took the action;
    that a “way” was made possible to do so;
    that I had the knowing, that this is for me on all levels!!!
    That this means so much, SO MUCH more to me!!
    Thank YOU – Beautiful!!!

  5. Lizy

    Right now in this moment I have never felt more in control. Working with the 13 codes have aloud me to see my self in a diferent light. It has allowed me to grow and expand and most importantly it has allowed me to heal sitting down and opening up to my self with out back lash or pressure is the most wonderfull thing that could ever happen to me. Love you Regan for giving me this experience and I applaud all women who took the step the important life changing step of being here and activating the 13 codes

  6. Anne F

    Activation and Integration As We Fly Into The Future
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Regan Anne Hillyer for your kindness, love and powerful intention you have put into this space.
    Did a video yesterday on Day 12.
    I have just signed up as an affiliate to share about the Intuitive Goddess powerful course.
    I loved this final activation so much
    I commit to see the light in other women.
    I commit to celebrate other women.
    I commit to co-create with other women.
    I commit to collaborate with other women.
    I commit to share my love and light to humanity.
    I commit to still do the codes as part of my daily morning ritual.
    Together We Rise…
    Rise Sisters Rise

  7. Bravna

    Just did the Egypt Activation!! Had so many realizations
    It was revealed to me that the number 511 which I repeatedly see is related to the pin code I live in. In the past few years, I have mostly lived on the same pin code.
    I still don’t know the full meaning and purpose behind my being here at this location. But as I received the Egypt Activation today (5/11 date and New Moon) I realised that I was meant to do all the Goddess Activations at this place where I live in today, “I just know it” now.
    I am still uncovering deeper layers of my purpose but Today I feel one of my divine assignments is complete and I am committed to activating these codes deeply in more places throughout my life. Thank you Regan Anne Hillyer for undertaking this assignment for all of us. I truly feel it is a new start today, with New moon today I now intend to live into my highest expression embodying my Intuitive Goddess deeply in my being. Together we rise!!

  8. Adriana

    I loved the Egypt activation, thank you Regan Hillyer for sharing your journey. It’s been a year since I did the first activation and the course, and since then I always utilize the codes and everything, Thank you again for your gift!!!!

  9. IJampo

    I repeated all the goddess activations from Greece, Bali and Egypt yesterday afternoon in preparation for today.
    It was such a strong portal. Words are simply not enough to express my gratitude.
    I will move through all the codes over and over again as it is such powerful medicine !!!
    Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  10. Anna

    Today 11-11 I received the Egypt activation : what a magnificent and powerful gift to the world !!! Thank you Regan, I feel processing, uplifted and enchanted by stellar and embodied magic

  11. Kanika

    What a journey!! Beautiful, Powerful, Mind-blowing and Profound!
    I cried a lot in this video but like I committed to earlier in the past 12 days- I will not shy away from anything and show up as my true self each and every day. Embrace the uncomfortable and rise to the occasion! Plus you all are like my family.
    Thank you dearest Regan. I am super thankful and blessed from the day you stepped into my life as my soul sister
    To all you beautiful goddesses- I Honor You, I Salute You, I Love You. Enjoy your journey and the process of blossoming Dear Goddesses!
    We are ONE. We are DIVINE. We SUPPORT EACH OTHER, We Co-Crete with Each Other and We RISE TOGETHER!
    We are the Intuitive Goddesses. I am the Intuitive Goddess! And so it is!!

  12. AFM

    Has Anyone Been Doing The Activations Over and Over Again?
    I’m loving them.
    What I realized, is the more I keep doing them over and over again, the MORE powerful, potent and profound it feels.
    Just did ‘Complete Activation Of Your Natural State This Morning,’ AND what came through was incredible.
    Then at the end I asked myself this question
    AND what flowed through was:
    Thank you, thank you, thank you Regan Hillyer once again for creating this sacred space for all of us.
    A true BLESSING and gift.

  13. Chirasree

    The course is magical , it has been since I started it,
    I finally have the absolute clarity about who I want to serve, exactly doing what and how I’d like to go about it
    Not only that I’ve also got the opportunity to partner in a fashion show where I am going to give mental health improvement sessions to models who are shortlisted for the final round
    Not just that one of my program’s voucher will also be shared, also I get promoted for 3 months as a mental health recovery and mindset transformation partner
    Meanwhile even a more thrilling surprise, I got a shoutout from my favourite YouTuber, also he praised my message to be powerful.
    Thank you. You have already become one my most favorite people in this industry. I love that I came across this course, the codes have been giving me visions, the ability to understand the value of the work that I do and value, understand and integrate the awareness as embodiment
    Truly as it promises, it is ultimate course that ACTIVATES us to another level. It’s an honor and privilege to have come across you. I honor your presence, unconditional love to you sister
    Thank you for helping me finally get my soul voice back. I cannot express in words how life transforming this course has been for me so far. I will be watching it again and again, I am sure each time I’ll activate and embody it even deeper at the core each molecule and cell. It’s PRECIOUS. It’s NEXT LEVEL. You are AMAZING
    THANK YOU. Immense Gratitude

  14. CB

    I was looking for some courses for knowing how I can increase my visibility, create viral contents, make a difference in social media.
    Needless to say I was driven to the 30 Days Content Creation Course. Not just that I have made sales negotiation for one 37k, one 39k and another 33k packages. My divine clients were interested and agreed to invest ( All in Indian currency/INR). I intend they’ve all already converted and now I can contribute from my highest version and change their lives, bringing them the true joy.
    I am loving the process. I had become depressed and I thought I had hit the rock bottom once again when suddenly this miracle happened. I am already happy to receive the YES! YES! YES! from the 3 divine clients, just after I’ve been watching this course and also I finally have support for the content. For the first time I feel money will come, I can focus on the service
    I am ready to embody and show up as the Goddess, this course is the greatest investment of my life. Thank You Regan Hillyer you are a MIRACLE
    Immense Gratitude
    Thank you
    I’ve got my voice back, I feel home and you are the REASON. Thank you. From CPTSD, struggle, continuing to keep going, here I am. Thank you

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Intuitive Goddess

From: USD$157.00 / month for 2 months

(14 customer reviews)