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$10K A Month

Learn the secrets to consistent $10k months and beyond, in just two life-changing hours!

This product/service is NON-REFUNDABLE
Take back the power in your life and create your own version of success, on your terms, with simple, effective strategies that Regan has personally created and implemented in her businesses.
  • New moon In Taurus
  • Wealth & Lifestyle

Learn Regan's exact strategies that took her from being an overwhelmed dreamer with zero ideas or options to a vibrant leader easily manifesting $10k + months.... in just 2 hours of intensive training.

This workshop is for you if...
You are ready to call in massive success and play a big game.
You are currently reaching for that $10K a month goal but have had trouble achieving it consistently.
You are already bringing in $10K a month (or more) but you’re ready to expand that from a place of ease and grace.
You are ready to learn how to take massive aligned action that gets you real and permanent results.
You are brand new to setting big money goals, and you are ready for a practice that will get you results.
You are ready to free yourself from your unconscious money fears & limiting beliefs.
You’ve tried other strategies that didn't work and are ready for strategies that really do work!

What Will You Learn?

Part 1

How to condition your money mindset

Part 2

Identify and rewrite your beliefs around your income

Part 3

Uncover what is pinning you to your current level of income

Part 4

Receive the strategies and mindset tools for $10k per month

Part 5

Rapidly increase your income container


What's so different about this course from every other course that I've tried before?

Regan’s strategies and methods are NOT learned from another course or from a textbook, they are her own strategies, experiences and steps that she has learned from her journey to building a multi-million dollar personal branding business. Regan’s course is unique and has had resounding, proven success with her clients.

What else will I receive, if I sign up?

When you enrol in the $10K a Month you will be given access to Regan’s life changing 2 hour training which you have access for life.
So you can use it over and over again every time you are ready for an expansion in your monthly income.

3 reviews for $10K A Month

  1. Chelcie

    I did this 10K course two days ago. The emails started flowing the second I finished this course. My estimated earnings for October have now drastically changed. New clients, old clients paying early, new jobs for existing clients – all of it adding up to a 10K month. Within two days of this course?! I know that’s what I signed up for, but I am completely floored.

  2. TH

    YOU have helped me reach my $10,000- a month just recently! It IS magic, and I can relate to you when you say it feels like no surprise – it feels like it’s my right and destiny
    Thank you for sharing your gift and I’m obsessed with learning from you Regan! Much gratitude and love for you, thank you thank you thank you

  3. Urvashi

    Thanks 🙏

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$10K A Month


(3 customer reviews)